Koibanx develops integral Blockchain solutions and products for businesses and governments. Our goal is to contribute towards the creation of a better economy and its ecosystem. In order to achieve such purpose, not only do we get involved to solve our customers´ needs but we take it to a whole new level by helping them innovate through the application of Decentralized Ledger Technologies (DLT). Integrating traditional business processes with this new disruptive technology is a delicate practice, since organizations need to be able to adopt innovation while transforming their company inhouse. Our expert team has more than 20 combined years in software development and corporate finance, which makes Koibanx the ideal partner for companies looking to embrace the future today.
Marcelo t de Alvear 405, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Se solicita programador Fullstack javascript con conocimiento de blockchain y/o muchas ganas de aprender. ver más